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The Hocker can stick targets in place with a long-range Harpoon attack, then move in to deal melee damage while the target is immobilized.

Hocker description

The Hockers are four-armed mutated zombies. They belong to the Stinger family of the Ridden which also include the Basic Stinger, Stalker, and Urchin variants. All Stinger variants are very agile; they can jump far and cling to walls.


All Stingers are very fast and mobile. Compared to the other Ridden, and use their speed to leap from point to point before striking the Cleaners. Except for Stalkers, Stingers and Hockers are primarily long-ranged enemies and have less health than other Mutations.

The Hocker variant still has the ranged projectile attack of the Basic Stinger and also attains a harpoon attack that ejects a vicious projectile that pins a target in place and deals damage over time. The Hocker is much more vulnerable than the Basic Stinger or Stalker variants and is most effective at a farther range where cover from incoming fire is readily available.


Icon Mutation Melee Attack

Melee Attack
—Quick close-range strikes that slow down with each successive attack.

The Hocker swipes at the Cleaner with its claws, slowing down with each attack that lands on it's prey.

Icon Mutation Harpoon

—Spit a Harpoon that immobilizes the target.
The Hocker swipes at the Cleaner with its claws, slowing down with each attack that lands on it's prey.

The Hocker accumulates goo from their chest for a while before throwing it on a Cleaner.

If a Cleaner is immobilized by a Hocker's projectile. They are unable to move or use their weapons and equipment (except for the Stun Gun) and lose health over time. The pinned Cleaner can free itself by using a Stun Gun or with a breakout ability; otherwise, the Cleaner will need to rely on another Cleaner to bash the goo to set them free.

Icon Mutation Leap

—Leap long distances and cling to walls.

The Hocker jumps from one location to another to mobilize across the map and can cling to walls to evade melee attacks.

Upgrades (Swarm Mode only):[]

For the Stinger/Hocker/Stalker/Urchin upgrades see it here


  • Stay alert. The Stinger/Hocker is, by far, the most mobile of the Ridden and can traverse long distances quickly and effectively. Unlike most other Ridden, Stingers will actively try to maintain distance from the players and will primarily attack from afar (the Stalker is the only exception to these methods). Tag the Stinger/Hocker to not lose sight of it; it can prove to be a nuisance if left alive. The Stinger/Hocker also makes a distinct coughing noise to announce its presence and will usually attack the players from the rear, so be ready to turn around if it doesn't immediately show up.
  • Wait for the chance to strike. The aerial mobility of the Stinger makes it difficult to hit while it's on the move. Wait for it to stay still, such as when it clings to a wall, and then open fire; it should not take too many shots to kill, especially when aiming for its weakspot.
    • The Hocker takes time to prepare its harpoon attack and will fixate its aim at its target while doing so. The moment of vulnerability provides a large opening for players to take down the Hocker while it's holding still, preferably before it gets a chance to fire.
  • Aim for the chest. The Stinger has a distinct growth right at the centre of its body that presents a visible weak point. Keep shooting at it for an effective kill, though the aforementioned speed of the Stinger can make this difficult.


  • Due to their high agility and similar strategies, the Stingers bear a striking resemblance to Hunters from the Left 4 Dead series.
  • They resemble as the Smokers with their ability to pin Cleaners, and reduce their health as long as they remain pinned. Eventually killing them as should they continue to attack uninterrupted.
  • The Hocker share two same thing with the Bruiser, and the Exploder. Which is their dark almost charred-looking skin, and jagged shards of bones around their body.
    • Both the Hocker and Stinger share the same health pool in every difficulty, except in swarm mode.

